
Patient:R.S. (year of birth: 1956)
Anamnesis:Hair loss on occiput, size 5×5 cm.
First use:7 February 2000
Report:On the occipital area bald patch size 5×5 cm, there is a spreading tendency.
Diagnosis:Alopecia areata
Treatment:Activator Marbo
Final examination:
3 August 2003
Hair fully grown. Normal pigmentation and thickness.


Patient:D.N. (year of birth: 1983)
Anamnesis:First occurrence of bald patches, diameters 2 and 3 cm. Treatment in Dermatological clinic showed no success.
First use:8 February 2000
Report:Bald patches size 2×2 and 3×2 cm in the temporal region. No hair loss in other areas, but hair is generally thinning.
Diagnosis:Alopecia areata multilokularis
Treatment:Activator Marbo (control examination in 2 months).
Control examination:
17 April 2000
Visible hair growth in bald areas, normal pigmentation from edges to centre.
Final examination:
16 August 2000
Hair fully grown. All areas completely covered in normally pigmented hairs.
Patient:B.T. (year of birth: 1987)
Anamnesis:Occurrence of first patches in 1999. Affected area localized on vertex, size 4×3 cm. Treatment followed immediately after the occurrence of the patch. Therapy with different products during a two–month period, but with no success. After three months, hair began to fall out in all places where hair was parted. Appearance of scabs and folliculitis on entire scalp.
First use:18 December 1999
Report:Patch on vertex, size 4×3 cm. Hair thinning in areas where hair was parted.
Diagnosis:Alopecia areata
Treatment:Activator Marbo (control examination in 2 months).
Control examination:
3 February 2000
Occurrence of a new zone in the left parting area.
Control examination:
9 April 2000
Right parting zone fully grown, hairs 0.3 cm in length. Frontally, hair inconsiderably grown. Control examination in 2 months.
Control examination:
17 June 2000
In all alopetic regions hair fully grown, except in the left frontal – parietal region.
Final examination:
11 August 2000
Hair fully grown.


Patient:M.L. (year of birth: 1987)
Anamnesis:In May 1999, occurrence of a bald area in the right parietal region, but the hair grew back in two months. New recurrence by the end of October 1999, in frontal–parietal region, predominantly on the right side. Eyelashes fell out on both upper eyelids. The patient saw a psychologist, but the only finding was that the patient was emotional.
First use:14 December 1999
Report:Area of size 10×10 cm in frontal–parietal region. Area was not completely bald.
Diagnosis:Alopecia areata
Treatment:Activator Marbo (control examination in 2 months).
Control examination:
24. February 2000
Growth of terminal hairs in the area of previously bald patch.
Final examination:
17 April 2000
Hair fully grown. Patient advised to keep up with the same hair treatment.
Patient:M.M. (year of birth: 1999)
Anamnesis:First bald patches in January 2003, with spreading tendency.
First use:10 June 2003
Report:Negative clinical prognosis, since the disease spread to the occipital region (ophyasis).
Diagnosis:Alopecia areata
Treatment:Activator Marbo
Final examination:
3 August 2005
Hair fully grown.


Patient:N.D. (year of birth: 1994)
Anamnesis:Since June 2003, occurrence of bald areas with spreading tendency, as well as total hair loss in the right parietal region. Clinically cured with no results.
First use:3 December 2004
Report:Photo document.
Diagnosis:Alopecia areata
Treatment:Activator Marbo
Control examination:
6 January 2005
Hair growth in the bald region after only one bottle of activator, continuing activator therapy.
Final examination:
26 February 2005
Hair fully grown.
Patient:M.Z. (year of birth: 1948)
Anamnesis:alopecia areata multilocularis, since 2003 clinically treated with no results.
First use:11 May 2005
Report:Photo document.
Diagnosis:Alopecia areata multiokularis
Treatment:Activator Marbo
Final examination:
27 December 2005
Hair fully grown.


Patient:M.D. (year of birth: 1971)
Anamnesis:Occurrence of first patches in 1991, with spreading tendency.
First use:10 September 1993
Report:Photo document.
Diagnosis:Alopecia areata
Treatment:Activator Marbo
Final examination:
15 February 1994
Hair fully grown.
Patient:G.S. (year of birth: 1982)
Anamnesis:Occurrence of first patches in 1993. Clinically treated during a seven–year period, with no results.
First use:12 April 2000
Report:Total hair loss, including eyebrows and eyelashes
Diagnosis:Alopecia areata totalis
Treatment:Activator Marbo
Control examination:
Rapid hair growth in the entire bald region.
Final examination:Was not possible due to the patient’s change of place of residence.

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